Every year, 26,000 babies are stillborn in America. In 2003, one of them was my son.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sedona Grief Retreat

This retreat has me wishing I still lived in the U.S. for many reasons. One of them is Kara Jones, aka Mother Henna.....she is an awesome creative, bereaved mother, teacher, coach and all-around cool person. She, as well as the amazing Joanne Cacciatore, bereaved mother, professor, and founder of the MISS Foundation, are putting on a grief retreat in beautiful Sedona, Arizona on October 15th, which Infant Loss & Remembrance Day.

This retreat is open to anyone grieving a loss and not limited to infant bereavement. I would love to go and learn from these wise women, not to mention spend a weekend in Sedona--my husband and I traveled there for a wedding anniversary many years ago and I would love to get back to the breathtaking scenery and wide-open skies we found there.

If you're able to attend, I'd love to hear about it afterwards.

1 comment:

Muriel said...

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