Every year, 26,000 babies are stillborn in America. In 2003, one of them was my son.

Friday, June 11, 2010


If you're pregnant, don't send me an e-mail with the subject "Bad News." Because when I work up the courage to read it and discover there is NOTHING truly bad in the body of that message, I will spend the rest of the day trying not to weep.


Catherine W said...

Oh no. Seriously?
Sorry that somebody out there was such an insensitive dolt. I would have wept too.

Anonymous said...

Some people don't have a clue what bad news is!


Monica H said...

Bad news for you? Or bad news for them? I know how much those announcements hurt and I'm sorry.

PurpleB said...

very honest and funny.

Hannah Rose said...

Just came across your blog. I'm sorry for your loss. People can be so insensitive and unthinking sometimes. You are in my thoughts, Hannah Rose from roseandherlily.blogspot.com

Virginia said...

It was meant to be bad news for me, Monica, but on first glance, I immediately thought the worst...